F8 Single Ply Band Shirt


The F8 bench shirt maximizes the transfer of the load and energy of the barbell from the shoulders to the triceps, pectoral, and latissimus regions while also reducing strain of the rotator cuffs and stabilizing the shoulder and shoulder girdle.

F8 Features:

  • Patented design that allows for maximum return and yields the highest rebound of any shirt in this style.

  • A chest plate that remains flat (no fold over).

  • A pronounced sleeve with both THSPA and THSWPA logo imprints.

  • Nylon straps to easily seat the shirt.

  • Resistance of 42 lbs./in. over an 8″ range of motion.

  • Engineered with the highest quality materials that maintain its elasticity and strength.

  • Approved for Texas high school competition.

  • Patent No. D,908,969.

  • The size chart is based on competitive weight class & accommodate a wide range of body sizes.

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Size guide (lbs)

3xsmall - 98 and under

2xsmall- 114 and under

xsmall- 114 to 132

small- 132 to 165

medium- 165 to 198

large- 198 to 242

xlarge- 242 to 308

2xLARGE- 308 and up

Insert for F8 Band shirt
Raven 2.0 - Two Ply
F8 Custom Band Shirt 2.0
from $450.00
F8 Velcro Insert “Fix”
F8 Band Shirt Alterations
from $45.00